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Automatic lock screw machine manufacturers award some tips for picking up screws

Release time:2021-06-07 10:02:03

Automatic feeding multi-axis active lock screw machine cost, can be retrieved by the machine, 1-20 axes can be selected, can lock the plurality of screws together, can replace multiple artificial, artificial, machine active mobile fixture Location, a

The automatic screw machine is an active device that can automatically lock the screw into the product. Automatic locking screw machine manufacturer automatic feed multi-axis active lock screw machine is based on uniaxial or multi-axis active lock screw machine, and is placed by artificial charge, machine active mobile fixture and commodity. It can be used as a machine to take the machine to take the machine. According to the mobile method, it can be divided into: double-point mobile, multi-point mobile, turntable mobile, cyclic mobile, etc., multi-axis active lock screw machine can be divided into : Manual button launches, pedal switch, active induction engine type.

Automatic feeding multi-axis active lock screw machine cost, can be retrieved by the machine, 1-20 axes can be selected, can lock the plurality of screws together, can replace multiple artificial, artificial, machine active mobile fixture Location, artificial feed, can be used, depending on the lock screw commodity request, configure the appropriate torque adjustment scale, each axis can be individually adjusted.

China's current phase screw machine career has carried out hot, the corresponding automatic lock screw machine manufacturers are also present in the mountains. The automatic screw machine of various types and various quotations makes people pick eye, summarize several tips for picking up screws, and expect to help you! Some bad manufacturers will make the shaped screws through the screw trajectory, will Most channels have become bigger. This practice directly causes the electric batch nozzle to align the screw groove, the scene of the locking screws, affect the quality of the product; normal locking When the second step is presented and active When a shaped screw is filtered, it will have a screw space, assuming that the integrated system can make a replenishment operation, it is not empty and shot, this is also a bad trick that discriminates the screw machine; 1111 in the screw In practice, it is likely to show some screws in the big head. Take some unregistered shaped screws into the screw feeder, assume that the active screw machine can actively screen the shaped screw during normal locking process without card, such a screw machine is better.

After the above explanation, do you know how to pick the automatic screw machine? As long as you choose a good automatic screw machine to save a lot of unnecessary troubles, make sure that the product is normal locking operation, fully automatic lock screw machine manufacturers suggest you don't want you I bought a stack of waste iron to go back for greed.